Lemon Verbena


Sweet citrus and fresh herbal notes combine for a subtly clean and complex finish. This is a memorizing blend of lemon verbena, lavender and hint of eucalyptus. Your space will feel fresh and invigorated.



TOP- Lemon, Lavender

MIDDLE-Verbena, Eucalyptus

BOTTOM- Musk, Cyclamen

Made in Chicago in small batches with 100% soy wax. We respect the environment and all of our candles are phthalate-free, petroleum-free and lead-free. We use premium essential oils and fragrances.

Burn Time: 30-40 hours

Please keep wicks trimmed to 1/4” to keep candle burning clean and smooth. First burn try and let candle burn for at least 3 hours so that entire top melts. This will prevent wax from building up on the side of the jar and you will get more hours out of the candle.

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